Q&A with Roxy Girl Vanina Walsh

Roxy Girl Vanina Walsh surfer-girl roxy-girl

Q. Where’s your home break?

A. The two breaks I surf most are Queens in Waikiki Beach and Pupukea/Gaschambers on the north shore.

Q. What was your favorite surf trip and why?

A. I loved Sayulita, Mexico because the waves were really fun and I was there with so many good people and close friends and it just made the trip so much fun.

Q. You can’t go wrong with fun waves with close friends.  The word is you’re an artist too. How did you get into that?

A. I’ve always loved being artistic and have been drawing since I can remember. I really started getting into painting when I was about 10, Hawaii really inspired me to start painting surf art.

Q. Who are your current sponsors?

A.  My sponsors are Roxy, Starboard, Coop, Kaenon, Solshop.com, Freestyle Watches, Otterbox, Tambor Acai, Justin’s, Pukapatch, Onit-pro

Q. That’s a lot of support. What would your dream sponsors be?

A. It would be amazing to be sponsored by Volkswagen, I’ve always been in love with the VW bus, its my dream car.

Q. Haha, that would be a pretty sick sponsorship. When is your next competition?

A. My next competition is in Sayulita, Mexico again and I cant wait to go back!!

Q. Are you having any trouble balancing school and surfing?

A. I defiantly have trouble keeping up with my school work because I have such a busy lifestyle. But doing school online is perfect for me because i’m always traveling and can do my school on the road.

Q.  I’m sure a lot of us would kill to have your lifestyle! Where do you see your self 5 years from now? ( with life and surfing)

A. In five years I hope to be in College studying business and Marketing while still keeping up on my surfing and traveling the world and surfing competitively.

Q. Anything else we should know?

A. I also love fashion and design and make a few of my own bikini’s or re-sew bikinis to fit me. I’ve also designed fabrics for a swimsuit line. One day I would love to have my own line of bikinis or clothing!

For more info and photos of Vanina, checkout her website: http://www.vaninawalsh.com